The Department of Education has reported aquiline next Tuesday, May 20, the pre-registration period opens in applying to the extension of the Official Language School in Eagle, for the academic year 2014/15.
As indicated by the incumbent mayor of this area, Francisco Clemente, the period will remain open until May 30, and can be formalized through the link you will find, starting Monday, on the Blog: http://eoiaguilas.blogspot. /.
Clement noted that applications are intended for basic and intermediate levels of English as well as the first advanced course, everyone in the modality.
The official course students 2013/2014 do not have to pre-register, as will enroll directly online, endorsed or suspended within the period corresponding to them, except those who have been given low for lack of attendance or submitted resignation enrollment in October, if that will do it.
For more information, you can direct the extent of the Official School of Languages ​​Eagles (Municipal Building "The Placetón"), Mondays and Thursdays, from 16 to 20 hours, or phone 968 109 401, at the same time .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas