Throughout the round sun (Scout terminology course) has been working the Scout spirit and the method Patrol System.
Because the final round is close, it was a great opportunity to enrich Scouts living with another group.
Scout values, law and promise were emphasized.
As unmomento parahablar reflection of the meaning of commitment scout had.
Scouts usually looking at the natural environment suited to meet their objetivoseducativos space.
This time, they chose to perform activities entirely in the urban environment as a place to teach a series of values ​​to their young: civility, respect, tolerance ...
For two days were the hosts of a Scout Group Murcia, which never before habíanvisitado the town, being pleasantly surprised by the promenades, squares and above the castle.
The Saturday after his reception at the halt and accommodation in the local Scout a seriede games and beach activities were conducted of Delights.
After a break at the store in the afternoon and a toilet, it was decided to teach Coloniacenando beach in the pergola next to the Rock.
Sunday morning was spent visiting the square Doctor Fortun where the memorial monolitoen aquiline Scouting and a visit to the castle.
Place which caused great excitement.
Thanking the care provided by those responsible for the castle.
At noon, after the fall of the fortress, he closed the business, laying off esteentrañable group in the bus station.
Source: Grupo Scout Severo Montalvo