The mayor of Finance, Sponsorship María Martínez, announced today that the City of Eagle Point already has a Cadastral Information (PIC), a service that this administration has managed to implement locally, following a series of steps that the municipal government began last March.
With its launch in the Consistory aquiline and can get certifications and consultations on cadastral data, not just literal or alphanumeric but also mapping, thus avoiding citizens Eagles have to travel to the premises of the Regional Offices of Cadastre, located in Murcia, whenever you have to do this type of measure.
Similarly, the council has clarified that, with its openness, access is provided to people who do not have electronic means to conduct an inquiry through the Virtual Office of Cadastre.
Some of the services that can be accessed from the PIC are:
Free Consultation and electronic certification of unprotected digital cadastral and mapping.
Consultation and electronic cadastral certification holders protected relating to real estate ownership data.
Negative certification of real estate or circumstance not listed as cadastral holder on the applicant.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas