The Party and the Communist Youth express their support for the demonstrations called by the CCOO and UGT trade unions against the criminalization of the right to strike and the attack on freedom of association means that more than two hundred people, mostly union members, are prosecuted for participating in strikes and pickets.
Since the amendment of the Criminal Code, introduced in 1995, the PSOE recovering writing an article as adopted in 1976 to prevent the strikes were generalized, Attorney dependent PP government has launched a real persecution to the workers who are exercising their right to strike in order to frighten and demobilize union action in our country.
The PCE and UJCE support unions in their class allegations and programmed to stop the policy of the State Attorney General mobilizations, when it comes back on a constitutional reform by the back door without any discussion in Parliament.
Moreover, Izquierda Unida is committed to parliamentary try amend the Criminal Code in its current form so no one can rely on it to curtail the right to strike, last tool for workers to defend their rights activity.
Source: IU-verdes Águilas