This weekend was held in the Auditorium and Congress Palace "Infanta Elena" Eagles the closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the XXI edition of Photo-Rally, chaired by Council of Youth and Culture, Juan José Asensio and Francisco Miguel Martínez.
Before awarding the best in each category, the mayor of Youth, Juan José Asensio, acknowledged the work developed nearly a hundred employees, mostly members of the township youth and social associations and Emergency Service and Protection Civil and Fire Station, contributing each year that the test takes place under the best conditions and without incident.
Throughout the event, embraced by a large audience, two documentaries were shown, the first one picked pictures selected in each category, as well as collections of successful teams;
the second a summary of the XXI edition of Photo-Rally.
Today Monday, August 25, at 20:30 pm in the Youth House "Capri" will take place, again, the projection of both documentaries.
The winning teams were:
Motorcycles: The Ambitions.
Category Cars: Yokos & Lennon.
Mention for photo More helpful Internet: The socios.son.
Still Photography: Pelusos.
Yokos & Lennon.
Thyme, rosemary and cistus.
Army smile.
Free picture: Logar Tiramillas.
The socios.son.
The Robapavas.
The Runreneo 4x4.
The Robapavas.
Landscapes and Monuments: Chimichurri.
FAR (Revolutionary Front Columbine).
The Ambitions.
Bugs Koppert.
Life and Customs: Children Surestel.
The socios.son.
Children Surestel.
As if there were no tomorrow.
Flora and Fauna: Yokos & Lennon.
The lost children.
Koppert bugs.
As if there were no tomorrow.
Photo Report: Novatas.
The socios.son.
The socios.son.
Best Collection: socios.son.
Regularity (Rally & Photography): Yokos & Lennon.
More than 200 people, consisting of 43 teams (3 of 40 cars and motorcycles), participated in this test orientation and regularity consisting in covering an itinerary and do a photo shoot while they overcome trials and meet the downbeats.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas