Dear Kings:
The young unemployed and students in this country have behaved very well this year, protesting any social cuts that occurred and occupying the streets, organizing strikes at the University and colleges and stopping evictions.
Therefore, taking advantage is election year, we demand:
Public Health.
The cuts in health are murders.
Public education.
Repeal of LOMCE and university reforms that allow large companies and banks where we should send send students.
No more expelled from the university.
45000 Missing students who can not face unfair rates.
Not a single eviction more.
We do not want a country where families are thrown into the street.
Union of social movements and leftist political forces to oust the mafia of the institutions and making them available to workers.
Instead, the government Christmas present in the form of Gag Rule, let us not protest, not able to record the forces and state security bodies repressing, dragging elderly, or even themselves creating the riots to justify violence.
The Young Communists have clear, and we know that this year it fighting, as we did in the Marches Dignity 22-M, as does the PAH, as students do.
We have to take the street, then take the institutions.
Source: IU-verdes Águilas