New Generations of the Popular Party organized this event for the second consecutive year, with the intention to collaborate in promoting the flagship party town.
Have already been awarded the prizes of II Photography Contest with Mobile "Eagles Carnival" organized by New Generations of the Popular Party with the intention to collaborate in promoting the flagship party town.
After deliberation the jury, chaired by the young aquiline photographer Mario Navarro, has pleaded winning photo by Ruben Ibarra "Triste defeat."
The second place went to Mayte Ato, with photography "Perspectives of a future Carnival", and the third prize for Inma Reche, with instant carnival night.
Moreover, as explained by the local president of the youth association, Juan Lajarín, this year has been awarded fourth prize aimed at rewarding the most popular photo on the social network Twitter, whose winner was Mayte Ato, with "photo The look Scorpion. "
Source: PP Águilas