Sport Fishing Association Villa Eagles held last weekend the XXX edition of its traditional Fishing Competition, an event that brought together fifty anglers overnight which covered the coast from the tower to Cope Sisco.
After a night shift in which the sea is not too accompanied the participants moved to the Bar Basel where the mayor of Eagle, Mari Carmen Moreno, and the mayors of Tourism and Sports, Desiderio Navarro and Christopher Gines Casado, respectively, they handed over trophies.
The couple made up of Miguel Hernandez and Francisco Martinez, the club Villa Eagles, won first place with a total of 69 pieces captured.
The second and third position corresponded same two couples mondo Villa Eagles to 5 kilos and 4.6 kilos catch his rivals managed to prevail.
Finally the championship ended with a fishing 1,238 pieces and nearly 100 kilos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas