The Department of Equality, which is owned by the mayor of IU Maria Isabel Torrente, made in an open and participatory programming the last quarter of the Municipal Center for Women.
The working committees implemented by United Left-Greens are beginning to bear fruit.
This week, the Councillor for Equality and IU spokesman, Isabel Maria Torrente, made public at a news conference with Antonia Reche, technique Municipal Center for Women, the schedule with the center for the last quarter.
Torrente has indicated that this is a program conducted "in an open and participatory manner, in which dozens of people have worked."
As indicated by the Councillor, the program reflects the proposals that have been collected at meetings of the Committee on Equality of the United Left, which will continue its work "for the elimination of gender inequality and the fight against gender violence".
In the press conference, the mayor of Equality said it is "a varied program in which activities such as training workshops and computer languages ​​are included; activities for pregnant women and their partners, cultural performances and reinforcing the link between women ".
Maria Isabel Torrente stressed the commitment of the Department to combat the scourge which is gender violence.
In this sense, activities for youth groups will be promoted (as is the activity "Neither tales Disney, or romance novels" aimed at students of 2nd ESO) and assist in the dissemination of the Marches against Violence macho that next November 7 roam the streets of Madrid to protest against the rise of terrorism macho.
Source: IU-verdes Águilas