The course on prevention and protection of psychosocial risks, which is being developed these days in the hotel "Don Juan" of Eagles, was attended by Professor of Labour Law at the University of Manchester and Director of the Employment Law Centre Gender Violence in Andalusia, Rosa Quesada, who spoke on sexual harassment and harassment based on sex.
Professor Quesada stressed the obligations that the Equality Act has imposed on all companies in order to prevent and combat bullying, completing a legal framework with corrective mechanisms ranging from economic sanctions or transfers to the possibility that harassed can terminate his contract or even dismissal of the harasser in severe cases.
The Andalusian Centre's director acknowledged the difficulties of combat a phenomenon as complex and given the subjectivity as sexual harassment, as called for in the companies establish clear and common rules that objectify as far as possible and avoid false reports or use as a weapon.
This course at the International University of the Sea, which are addressing issues such as stress or bullying, will conclude tomorrow, day 18, with a conference on bullying made by Christopher Molina, Professor of Labour Law at the University of Jaén.
Source: Universidad de Murcia