The director of the Institute for Youth, Veronica Lopez, accompanied by the director of the Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities Murcia Physical and Organic (Famdif / Cocemfe-Murcia), Carmen Gil, visited the summer camp that this association held in Calabardina , Eagles, 25 to 30 July.
During the five days they developed the camp 19 young people with physical disabilities perform a series of activities in a place other than his habitual residence and outside their family environment, in order to improve the quality of life of participants.
By being outside the family protection for a few days causes these young people a real need to address the problems that arise in living with their peers and personal autonomy.
During this period living with 16 volunteers, mostly students.
This camp aims to have an inclusive where the participants physically interact and live with other young volunteers without disabilities.
In all activities involving the physically handicapped and volunteers both in the planning of actions and in their development, learning activities, environment and leisure, and educational tours by the Eagles environment, workshops, wicker, pottery, masks and t-shirts and cooperative games, watersports and nature and evenings.
These activities are among its objectives promoting participation and leadership opportunities for youth to develop creative, entertainment, cultural and sporting activities, to achieve responsible participation in the implementation and evaluation of the camp, encourage group cohesion by promoting participation, cooperation and friendship between them and promote tolerance, solidarity and adequate education in human values and rights of young people.
This camp is part of the "Summer Youth 2008" launched by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports through the Institute of Youth.
A campaign that has a wide range of sporting, cultural and leisure time in shelters and camps, and volunteer work camps.
Source: CARM