The Department of Culture Department of Eagles, wants to publicly congratulate the Band Musical "Virgen de los Dolores", for being selected to represent Murcia, in the National Music Competition II Processional City of Alicante, where musical groups and bands participate of drums and trumpets from across the country.
In the event, which will be held on March 22 organized by the Board of Mayor Brotherhoods of Alicante, the provincial council and the city of Alicante, include the following formations:
Bugle and Drum Band "Stmo Cristo del Amor" (Tarancón).
Agrupación Musical Ntra Sra del Rosario "(Crevillente).
Bugle and Drum Band "Blessed Mary of Sorrows" (Úbeda).
Bugle and Drum Band "The Llágrima" (Muchamiel).
Agrupación Musical Virgen de los Dolores "(Eagles).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas