Note sent by taxi Eagles Radio Association (RTA)
Aguilas Radio Taxi Association (RTA) to all media reports about a situation that adversely affects our daily work.
With the arrival of the summer period, the Municipality of the town of Aguilas (Murcia) has granted as a matter of urgency and without notice to the other parties (the taxi industry), a night bus service to the company Eagles Bus Passenger SL to communicate with the various local entertainment venues.
This fact, which in principle must comply with previously set standards (time from 12 to 6 am during the weekends and 5 stations authorized in its entire run), has resulted finally in a number of serious irregularities services that directly affect our competition:
1 The so-called "night owl" does not respect the schedules of the service, and therefore violates the time that taxis must realize its service.
2 ° Similarly, the night bus service does not meet the 5 stops specified in detail in the agreement with the City, made anywhere to the resulting economic losses that this entails for taxi drivers.
3 ° These overloaded minibus services company, far exceeding the number of seats allowed by the vehicle.
Thus, if the Eagles attempt to promote the City Council has introduced a night bus service for weekends, has not only forgotten improve taxi service, but has managed to greatly harm the local taxi drivers.
There recall precisely that summer is the season when Eagles get more tourists and hence more revenue than we perceive, in part, by these reckless and not consensual decisions.
Source: Asociación Radio taxi Águilas