PP statement sent by the Eagles:
In the news in media, which advertises a demonstration called by the Columbine Neighborhood Association (AVA), the Popular Party Eagles want to issue the following statement:
The PP does not recognize the Eagles 'apolitical' which has often been touted the "AVA", is more, we believe that this is a partnership orchestrated by political groups: PSOE, IU and MASD.
From the Eagles PP deeply respect of the right to demonstrate any citizen, while we encourage members to "AVA", to appear also from the People's House, that, without any doubt, know abundantly.
Although the PP Eagles think the "AVA" decline this suggestion, unless you like the militants or sympathizers of the PSOE, speak out against its own acronym.
We believe that this would be a logical move, since one of their demands is the lack of jobs and the high number of unemployed, something that has much to say the Socialist Party and Mr. Zapatero.
Despite the unfortunate considering the fact that political groups try to hide behind the mask of a neighborhood association, with the intention to exercise its politics of fear, confusion and wear, taking advantage of the dramatic situation facing so many families, though those tricks are not surprising, since in the past few days we are seeing in other cities near it painful ways.
Far from discrediting expressed by the "AVA", in a press release, other columbines associations such as the Tourist Consortium, which has been represented (merchants, restaurateurs, farmers, carnival, industrial, fishing ...) from PP Eagles want to express categorically that, if anything our city can boast, is to have a huge and valued associations.
Citizens of all ideologies and disparate members of associations who dedicate their time to work on behalf of the group they represent, without discrediting and insulting to anyone, without doing the dirty work of any political group, calling for continuous improvement and achieving partners, respecting and working together.
This is the spirit of the people and associations of Eagles.
From the Eagles PP we emphasize that we continue working hard for this city, without falling into the traps of those who seek to achieve, through dark ways, what the polls and the citizens are not granted.
Finally, we just want to point out that, compared to the known "Salvapatrias Policy, the Popular Party continue to exercise the policies that have made it possible to recover Eagles emblem of the city abandoned by other governments, that has many new places and green areas, sports facilities, investing in public safety and agriculture for that which is denied water.
And a long list of infrastructure of all kinds, which will join the Auditorium-Congress Palace, the College No. 9, a promenade remodeling, Trade School, a Multipurpose Hall, a nursery or desired and demanded Hospital , among others.
All this, knowing that along the way we will find a thousand and one vicissitudes, knowing that at times we make mistakes, but with absolute conviction that these and other projects, many of them already underway, will be a reality palpable.
Source: PP de Águilas