The Municipal People's rise to regular plenary in March, to be held tomorrow Tuesday, May 30, at 20:00 pm in the consistory aquiline, a motion to condemn the undemocratic actions of the Cuban regime and support the people and dissidents on the island.
The motion to be debated in plenary session by all political groups represented municipal, reads as follows:
For more than half a century of communist dictatorship, personified in the figure of Fidel Castro and recently, hereditary regime, to his brother Raul, the suffering of Cuban citizens, deprived of their liberty not only just to be increasing.
Today there are over two hundred political prisoners in the jails of Cuba, citizens who were imprisoned for the mere fact of asking a peaceful democratic openness in the country.
Some of them have been prosecuted for dangerous pre-criminal, legal artifice allowed to detain anyone for the mere suspicion of authority.
On Tuesday February 23, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a supporter of democratic and peaceful opposition to the regime, died in Camagüey, after two months on hunger strike two weeks and deprived of water by orders of the regime.
Their protest was a single, simple goal: do not be tortured again, being treated like a human being still detained.
Orlando Zapata had been jailed since the Black Spring of 2003, named for the arrest and conviction of 75 Democrats, and that led to unanimous condemnation by the international society and the adoption by the European Union, a series of measures support the democratic opposition, under the common position, which opened a window of hope to the oppressed, before he was unfortunately turned off year and a half later.
Since the Municipal People's Party Groups and Joint shocked by the death of Zapata and his time in solidarity with the courage, sacrifice and the example of resistance of all the Cuban opposition against a dictatorial regime, Eagles soar to the Plenary for approval the following resolutions:
FIRST .- To condemn the death of prisoner of conscience Orlando Zapata Tamayo.
SECOND .- Demand that the Cuban authorities to immediately release all prisoners of conscience.
THIRD .- urge the Government of Spain to get the Cuban Government's commitment to the International Red Cross to visit prisons in which they are held prisoners of conscience and ensure that the conditions under which they are conform to standards minimum required by international law.
FOURTH .- Claim to the Government of Spain to resume, within the framework of the Common Position of the European Union on Cuba, support and solidarity with the democratic opposition to the regime, and especially the open-door policy for Democrats in the embassies, particularly the Spanish, and the provision of such open systems wireless internet, available to citizens neighbors to the legation.
FIFTH .- To transfer of these agreements to the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Parliamentary Speakers of the Parliament and the European Parliament and the Ambassador of Cuba in Spain.
Source: PP Águilas