I Short Film Competition, and Power Point (28/09/2009)
Under the title "Short with Violence", will serve for an awareness campaign for the forthcoming November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Workshop School to be completed before the end of the year (16/09/2009)
Eagles Mayor this morning visited the construction sites has been announced that the first two courses to be delivered have already been approved by the Autonomous Community
Arrives at the Eagles' Nintendo Road Show " (08/09/2009)
Visitors have the opportunity to access any of the 4 tents, which are found 7 Amenities with revolutionary game" Wii Sports Resort
The City prepares an Office Assistant Course (01/09/2009)
is expected to start during the month of September, and will include the preparation of entrance exams Intermediate cycles, internships and preparation for qualification in ESO